The body is an amazing combination of complex processes and structures that provides opportunity for limitless health.
However, while amazing on so many levels, the body remains subject to the stressors of our toxic environment and poor lifestyle choices.
Therefore, understanding how to properly influence the foundational mechanisms of natural healing becomes a critically important focus if one is to improve, maintain and/or restore health. For more than three decades, Dr. Siegel has been treating patients who present to his office struggling with chronic and complex health issues. While it’s understandable why many desire a ``quick fix” to their chronic struggles, it remains an unreasonable expectation to think that chronic health issues can be resolved inside a short time frame and without a true commitment of effort.
For most people, their health story is very much like a train going down the track in the wrong direction and is picking up speed. To stop the train and redirect it, most will find that they can’t just step out in front of it and expect it to stop (i.e., treating symptoms only without understanding and addressing true underlying causes). If one tries this approach, they will quickly find that they will get run over. This model of chasing and treating symptoms with a cocktail of potentially toxic medications is broken and offers little hope (outside of emergency medicine) for changing the trajectory of healing for a person’ health struggles.
Dr. Siegel realized that for people to have a greater chance of success at addressing their health concerns, he needed to come up with a different approach that would be able to “pump the brakes” of the train...which then would slow the runaway train to a point where it could be stopped and potentially reversed.
This new approach to healing involves examining and treating patients by looking at something called ENERGETIC DEBT. Improving ENERGETIC DEBT results in increasing one’s ability to heal, repair and regenerate by improving the cell’s ability to produce adequate levels of ATP, the body’s energy source that runs all functions.

What is Energetic Debt and how does it impact your health and body function?
Energetic Debt is a condition in which the body is producing less energy then what it needs to run normal bodily functions and to remain healthy on a daily basis. A state of continued Energetic Debt will lead to dysfunction and disease. It will restrict healing, repair and recovery. Therefore, improving Energetic Debt is key to better health and longevity.
Two parts of Improving Energetic Debt
Energetic Debt involves two components, both of which must be optimized if one is to achieve a healthier state.

The traditional model of medicine focuses only primarily on the Cellular “Ingredient” side of healing (i.e., medications, surgery, etc.). Unfortunately, even the majority of alternative or functional medicine practitioners approach medicine with the same sole emphasis. The Cellular “Ingredient” side only contributes to a maximum of 20% to the healing process. Therefore, allopathic and most alternative efforts are limited toward full potential of healing since the focus is on the 20% side only. On the other hand, while Dr. Siegel addresses the 20% Cellular “Ingredient” side, he realizes that the biggest impact to regaining one’s health lies predominantly through supporting the Cellular “Communication” side which contributes to 80% of the healing.
Between the two keys in improving Energetic Debt, the Cellular “Ingredient” side is what most people are familiar with and with what the majority of health professionals focus on with treatment. The following is the basic breakdown of what comprises the Cellular Ingredient side of the formula:
• Oxygen
• Water (Hydration)
• Nutrition
• Toxicity Reduction/Waste Elimination
The “Ingredient” side contributes about 20% of what’s needed for optimizing cellular health. While these requirements are of high importance, the role they play is limited in comparison to the “Communication” side. In the traditional medical model, and even in most alternative and functional medicine approaches, the emphasis of focus is most often, if not entirely on the “Ingredient” side. As a result, limited success will often be the outcome.
In order to greatly expand the level of success in improving one’s health, a majority emphasis must be put on the “Communication” side of the formula. Fortunately, Dr. Siegel is one of the rare practitioners that does this.
The Cellular “Communication” side plays a majority role— about 80%—in improving the health picture of individuals. Without proper and sustained ongoing cellular communication, one’s health will decline and eventually opens the door for dysfunction and disease. This is inevitable even if the person has optimized the “Ingredient” side.
While the “Ingredients” are part of the construction of cellular messages, their delivery is dependent upon the cells adequately “talking” with each other. Without proper cellular communication, optimizing health is not possible.
This “Communication” system between cells involves 3 primary sources:
Electrons: Charged particles from the breakdown of our foods (i.e., proteins, fats, sugars) which are needed and used by our cell’s mitochondria to produce ATP (energy source which runs our bodies). Adequate supply is essential.
Cellular Voltage: Better cellular voltage equates to better health.
Redox Signaling Molecules: These molecules are made in the mitochondria of the cells. They strengthen our genetic signaling to keep our cells “talking” or communicating. Since we begin to experience early in-life depletion of these molecules, adding back to our declining supplies becomes CRITICAL if we are ever able to reach an optimized state of healing, repair and regeneration. Through restoring our signaling molecule levels, the development of new, healthy cells is possible and an overall revitalization of our body and health can then result.