Functional Toxicology

Today’s toxic exposures become tomorrow’s health problems!

Toxic burden within both our environment and our bodies is rapidly expanding. The greater the body’s toxic burden, the more likely the presence of chronic inflammation. The greater the chronic inflammation, the greater the risk of developing disease and suffering.

Toxins are all around us—in the air we breathe, in our food and drinking water, carpets, wall paint, foam-filled furniture, cleaning products, personal hygiene products, etc. We are the first generation to be exposed to such a high number of man-made chemicals on a regular basis that the onslaught of symptoms and disease is a guarantee in most people’s lives. The burden has become so great that the average newborn has an average of over 200 toxic compounds in its umbilical cord blood upon birth. With this mounting toxic load, our bodies need all the help they can get.

Toxins originate from various sources: manufacturing, burning, waste production processing, etc. Most toxins are synthetic, man-made compounds that are found in our homes, drinking water, air and soil. Minimizing your intake of pollutants and reducing the body’s toxic load results in lower risk of dozens of diseases, increased energy levels, elimination of various symptoms and/or conditions, and an overall greater sense of health and wellness.

Due to the constant insult from our harsh and toxic environment, consistent and proper detoxification of the body is an absolute NECESSITY when it comes to improving your health. Cleansing your body of accumulated toxins is one of the best, if not THE best, way of boosting your health and well-being along with reducing your chances of developing a chronic disease.

So, how does one combat the constant insult of toxins? Through DETOXIFICATION!


Evaluation of your health issues done through the method of Functional Toxicology allows Dr. Siegel to effectively FIND and safely REMOVE the toxins that can often be major contributors to your disrupted health. Functional Toxicology is an integrative system of medicine which brings together a variety of disciplines, such as quantum physics, biophysics, toxicology, immunology, endocrinology, Chinese Medicine and homeopathy. The process utilizes a form of brain reflex testing through which Dr. Siegel monitors a sequence of reflexes exhibited by the body in response to numerous stressor elements.

The primary characteristics that make this Toxicology approach superior to other methods you may encounter are:

*Prioritization (The testing reveals the body’s highest priority needs each time)
*Specific (Accurately identifies WHAT toxic agents are affecting WHICH specific organ/tissues!)
*Safe (Proper support of organs, systems and elimination pathways)

Targeted Treatment Specifically Tailored For You


Testing provides the information needed to create your specific homeopathic remedies, which assists the body’s release and removal of unique toxic agents, as well as providing support for your most distressed organs and tissues. This then unlocks the full power and potential of your body’s self-regulating function to promote and maintain optimum health!

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