
The Power of The Drop™

Targeted Treatment Specifically Tailored To You

Let’s do a brief review of what homeopathy & homeopathic remedies are. Founded in the late 18th century by German physician Samuel Christian Hahnemann, Homeopathy (or homeopathic medicine) is a form of natural medicine based on the theory that “like cures like” (a principle also known as the “Law of Similars”).

According to the Law of Similars, an illness can be solved or improved by a substance that produces symptoms characteristic of that very illness. By delivering incredibly small doses of the substance, homeopathic remedies aim to activate the body’s inherent self-healing abilities. Homeopathic remedies are typically derived from plants, herbs, minerals, or animal products. The remedies are made into a highly diluted and succussed (vigorously shaken) solutions, whereby they only contain a few, if any, molecules of the original substance. In homeopathy, the more diluted a substance, the more potent it is from an energetic perspective (not from a molecular one).

One of the simplest, safest and effective ways of providing support to the body for the elimination of metabolic and toxic waste products is through the use of low strength, targeted homeopathic remedies. These remedies are also capable of promoting healing of damaged systems and restoration of proper functioning to sluggish or overactive systems, enabling the body to reach a state of balance and health.

Homeopathy offers excellent support in the detoxification process, as the remedies stimulate the body’s own natural elimination mechanisms. The Homeopathic approach believes that the body’s innate vital force can be disturbed by stress, chronic illness, environmental toxins, poor diet or consumption of chemicals in food or drugs. Homeopathic remedies reinforce the body’s natural ability to remove toxins and waste by-products, without harmful side effects.

The homeopathic treatment remedies that we make are targeted specifically for patients based on their test results. Your health issues are unique to you and we tailor your treatment to safely remove specific toxins, improve imbalances and deficiencies and improve organ function in order to get you feeling and functioning better.

Homeopathy offers excellent support in the detoxification process.

Homeopathic remedies reinforce the body’s natural ability to remove toxins and waste by-products, without harmful side effects.

Explanation of the Vials

What exactly is in the vials & how are they made?

Each homeopathic remedy vial contains sterile water. Specialized equipment is then used to transfer a specific frequency into each of the separate vials, which causes the water molecules to vibrate at the same frequency. Water has a unique property that allows it to hold on to any frequency that has been generated and transmitted into it. When the droplet of water from a vial is consumed, the frequency within that water droplet will then be transferred into the water composition of your body. Depending upon what Dr. Siegel is targeting with treatment, each remedy vial receives the appropriate electronic frequency corresponding to either an organ/tissue or toxic agent. Some remedies are made with frequencies that create a specific stimulus to one’s immune system to target the specific toxin(s) hiding out in the specific organs or tissues, thus resulting in the toxin’s release. Other remedies are made for the purpose of providing support to produce improved performance of the organs’ or tissues’ natural function. The targeted tissue cells then respond to this specific instruction. The remedies are completely safe, and will not interfere with any prescription medications that you are taking.

Why is only one drop to be taken from each remedy vial?

It takes only a small amount of the remedy (one drop) to have a profound effect on the body. In this single droplet of water, a tremendous amount of frequency information is contained. Once the droplet is placed in the mouth, the frequency is immediately transferred throughout the water composition of the body (and thus, the body itself). With the body’s innate intelligence, it recognizes this information and knows immediately how to respond appropriately. Taking more of the remedy at one time does not create a stronger, clearer or more effective result.

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