Investigating and Treating Energetic Debt

Dr. Siegel's Unique 4-Prong Approach
Today’s toxic exposures become tomorrow’s health problems! Due to the constant insult from our harsh and toxic environment, consistent and proper detoxification of the body is an absolute NECESSITY when it comes to improving your health. Cleansing your body of accumulated toxins is one of the best ways of improving Energetic Debt, thus helping to boost your health and well-being along with reducing your chances of developing a chronic disease process.
The Toxic Connection to Chronic Inflammation—How Bad is It? Toxic burden within both our environment and our bodies is rapidly expanding. The greater the body’s toxic burden, the more likely the presence of chronic inflammation. The greater the chronic inflammation, the greater the risk of developing disease and suffering.
So, how does one combat the constant insult of toxins? Through DETOXIFICATION! Our method of functional toxicology delivers customized cellular detoxification while providing organ and tissue support.
Evaluation of your health issues done through the method of Functional Toxicology allows Dr. Siegel to effectively FIND and SAFELY REMOVE the toxins that can often be major contributors to your disrupted health. The process utilizes a form of brain reflex testing through which Dr. Siegel monitors a sequence of reflexes exhibited by the body in response to numerous stressor elements.
“The Power of The Drop”™
Testing provides the information needed to create specific homeopathic remedies that then assist the body’s release and removal of toxic agents. The personalized remedies also provide support for your most distressed organs and tissues. This then unlocks the full power and potential of your body’s self-regulating function to promote and maintain optimum health!
Functional Toxicology

This component of our 4-Prong Approach involves evaluating and treating the body’s biochemical and metabolic imbalances. All systems and organs are linked together directly or indirectly. Therefore, it’s important to look closely at various patterns between organ systems and determine what underlying mechanisms are contributing to a person’s hormonal, nutritional and/or biochemical imbalances.
Testing may involve various combinations of the following depending on each patient’s needs. Testing is performed using various types of blood, urine and/or saliva tests. Test examples include:
• Adrenal Stress evaluation
• Complete Blood Analysis, to include inflammatory markers
• Comprehensive Thyroid evaluation
• Gluten Reactivity and Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods
• Male/Female Hormone testing
• Immune System evaluation
• Intestinal Function and Intestinal Permeability testing
• Food and Environmental Sensitivity testing
• Deuterium testing
• Omega 6/3 Ratio testing
• pH testing
The above tests can reveal hidden factors that are preventing your healing. Examples include:
• Blood Sugar Regulation Issues
• Stress Hormone Imbalances
• Food Sensitivities and/or Allergies
• Immune Imbalances and Autoimmunity Indicators
• Leaky Gut Syndrome
• Male/Female Hormone Imbalances
• Chronic Inflammation
• pH Imbalance
• Lowered Oxygen Status
• Hidden Infections
• Altered Cellular Charges
Treatments are directed through the use of specifically-targeted nutritional protocols that have been determined to best address each patient’s unique and individualized biochemical needs. It is NOT a onesize-fits-all approach, nor is it about loading a person up on excessive amounts of nutritional supplements.
We work towards achieving biochemical balance and function with the minimum amount of nutritional supplementation, avoidance of dietary restrictions, homeopathic remedies and/or use of Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy if and when indicated.

Your brain is the “Commander-in-Chief.” Everything that happens in your body is controlled by your brain. Your heartbeat, breathing, digestion, absorption of nutrients, ability to see, taste, smell, hear and feel, your mental clarity, memory, balance and emotional stability are all directly correlated with proper brain function and communication.
Normal functioning of the body can only result if the communication between the brain cells (neurons) themselves and with other parts of the body are firing or communicating at an appropriate pace and power. It stands to reason that if you improve the function of your brain, you would improve the function
throughout the entire body.
Functional Neurology, as a healthcare discipline, is a relatively new concept. Over more recent times, there has been a growing interest and application in the areas of improving brain performance through the principle of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity essentially means that your brain and nervous system can be made to work more efficiently and even regenerate. Thus, the primary goal of utilizing functional neurology with our patients is to apply this principle for the sake of optimizing our patient’s brains and lives.
During the Initial Consultation, Dr. Siegel will determine who he feels would benefit from being evaluated neurologically. If one qualifies for such an exam, he will look at their brain from a “hemispheric” perspective, that is, how the left hemisphere (left side) of the brain is working in relation to the right
hemisphere (right side) of the brain. In doing so, he can reveal which parts of your brain (cerebellum, brain stem and/or cortex) are not communicating properly. Dr. Siegel may also perform what’s called an HRV (Heart Rate Variability) test to look for imbalances between the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic parts of your Autonomic Nervous system. This test demonstrates what the impact of stress is having on the brain and nervous system.
Based on examination findings, recommended therapies can then be utilized to help improve the areas of weak brain communication. This may involve specific brain exercises, targeted supplementation and/or Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy to assist with improving cellular communication.
Functional Neurology

Quantum Energy Medicine (QEM) is medicine based on physics instead of biochemistry.
The foundational principle to understand is that all cells of the body—when healthy—resonate or vibrate at a specific frequency. This vibrational frequency emitted is actually in the form of a light wave (also known as BioPhoton) that is produced by our DNA. The emitted frequencies will then communicate with our biochemistry system and direct its actions. This a very important point to keep
in mind since our cells undergo approximately 100,000 biochemical reactions every second of every hour of every day.
If the vibrational state of the cells decline (a component of “Energetic Debt”), disruption in our biochemistry and decline in our overall state of health will follow. An interesting point to make is that cells which develop cancer have progressed to a point where their vibrational frequency generated and emitted has declined to being very little to none. This is essentially the essence of QEM…that all illnesses originate with disturbances in the human biofield (electromagnetic frequency emissions of our cells and organs).
Without resolving these deeper disturbances in the coherence of energy patterns of the cells, and trying to rely solely on a biochemistry approach, one’s health expression will be limited. At BioHealthOhio, we have found that merging the biochemistry AND the physics side of treatment results in greater clinical outcomes.
A reflection of energetic disturbance is assessed in a number of ways: Heart Rate Variability (HRV) which can show imbalances within the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and the Acupuncture Energy patterns of the meridians.
The key component of treatment is through the use of targeted Homeopathics, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF), and LED Red Light therapy.
Quantum Energy Medicine (QEM)